
Thursday 2 May 2013

Haganai Marathoned

I marathoned the series with my bro today. After being stalled on episode 4 for a while, I decided to get the whole series randomly, and just watch as much as I can. Turns out my bro really likes it too so we just marathoned the thing.

The characters are fun and so are all the antics! At first I thought it was going to go the typical harem route, but the way they handled it was quite okay.

I like Rika, despite the fact that she's a crazy fujoshi. Kodoka is a pretty nice MC too, and of course Kobato is great. Yozora sometimes gets too extreme, but that's part of her charm. Same with Meat Sena too, though someone I was ticked off at her at first, but again she's alright. And then of course Yukimura, being the trap maid samurai.

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