
Wednesday 2 May 2012

A legendary sword; A badass fire mage

Played a lot of Fortune Summoners today. One of the first things I did was try and get this darn "Legendary Sword" from these capsule machines that cost 200 copper each. Ridiculous. I spent nearly 8000 trying to get it. Alas I did and it turned out to be... not quite what I expected, but still good.

Stella being badass as per usual.
And then I finally was able to play all three characters in the same party. Lots of sword slashing, fire flinging, water healing madness going on. Lots of fun compared to just a duo of characters. Stella is of course showing her awesome side again. Her skills wreck havoc on everything.

Other stuff that happened included beating some ghosts, fighting a wyvern on top of a tower, beating some mushrooms, and relaxing in a nice hot spring fueled by sulfur. Lots of progress indeed.

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