
Sunday 30 September 2012

1 day

Final stretch. Still working. Less than 24 hours remain actually.

Model complete. Spreads in progress.

Saturday 29 September 2012

2 days remain

Almost final stretch. Still working. Still researching slowly. Now the base is done. But the curves need to be better. Curves!

Friday 28 September 2012

3 days remain

More research. Woke up a bit late. Group mates worked hard with the model. Curves, curves everywhere! And did some sensor work on the side.

Later, went to see an Italian furniture/architect. He was pretty interesting.

Then, I played with the Arduino. (Pseudo chiptunes sounds yay!)

Thursday 27 September 2012

Spatial Week 4 - 4 Days Remain

Stuff happened. Scaling and such. Mini model complete. And research. Slow slow research. Oh so busy.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

One Microcontroller has arrived!

Labeled as "buy" because it's a tiny bit pricy, but not too bad.

I got a little Arduino Uno today for use in a class. It should be fun to tinker around with this thing.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

A cool mousepad has arrived!

No pictures cause privacy, but I just got a cool and a little bit spicy with a tiny bit of fat (Sorry Letty!) mousepad from that one mousepad promotion that was happening.

Still haven't taken it out the plastic, but boy does it look nice.

Monday 24 September 2012

Shakugan no Yui

That was all I could think about during this episode's boss fight.

Spoiler alert I guess, but Yui being like that was both expected and unexpected. Now where will Asuna and Kirito go from here?

Sunday 23 September 2012

Puchimasu PV!


Yay! I can't believe this is actually happening. This was such a great announcement to end the Namassuka Sunday Special that happened during the final day of Tokyo Game Show 2012. All that Shiny Festa gameplay was nice and all, but this was also really big!

For those not in the know, go look up the Puchimasu (Petit Idolm@ster) manga. It's really cute and fun, plus the the Idolm@ster girls is great in it. Akane's art is great, that it's unfortunate that the anime doesn't have the exact same style, but I'm still happy that it's getting something.

Saturday 22 September 2012

Idolm@ster Shiny Festa 3rd PV

Shiny Festa! This one shows the in-game music videos exclusive to the 3 games. It also confirms some songs to get a sort of in-game treatment like "Next Life".

I'm really liking the "Music" song they used at the end.

Friday 21 September 2012

We Have A Dream - Chihaya, Azusa, Makoto

LiveInSlot! I can't wait to listen to a M@STER version of this.





Thursday 20 September 2012

Aqua 1: To Mars and Gondolas

Alternately: "From Pair to Single in the Seas of Aqua"

Aqua. The terraformed Mars of the future.

Undine. A female gondolier who guides you.

Akari is going to Aqua to be an Undine.

This "prequel" to Aria, is about the beginning's of Akari Mizuhashi as she works towards being a full fledged Undine for Aria Company. Although it is about her, it is also about the world of the future, how Aqua is a sort of simple place compared to the Earth or "Manhome". How the residential Mars Cats are very mysterious, but very intelligent.

But in the end, it is really a peaceful and soothing ride reading this manga. The world is so vast and the information so sparse, yet it still satisfies my curiosity enough.

It's quite unfortunate to know that the Aria manga did not get officially finished in English. However, I'll try my best to find what remains. I already found the 2 Aqua volumes in my local library, so that's a start.

Next volume: Onwards to being an Undine!

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Lovely Moments and a Child

Sword Art Online 11 was pretty much lovey dovey stuff between Asuna and Kirito. They are so cute together.

And then there is Yui. I wonder who (or what?) she is. Such a mystery.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Sunday 16 September 2012

Saturday 15 September 2012

Gyaoooon! Ryou's Birthday!

Such a cute... guy!
Happy Birthday to Ryou! The oh so girly yet manly trap of Idolm@ster!

Make he not suffer the lust of eternal fanboys... oh who am I kidding.

Thursday 13 September 2012

[由々] Yukipo Toeto

"由々" is the one who sings it, but it does sound a lot like Yukiho/Yurishi herself eh?

Toeto is probably one of those songs that I heard about, but never got to sit down and listen to the whole thing. Such a nice song, with a great little character with that iconic cat hat. Very bombastic instrumentation constrasts with the shy persona of Toeto.

As for this Yukipo Toeto video, the voice and the character works very well. Yukiho herself being kind of like Toeto when it comes to men (or a certain man).

Wednesday 12 September 2012

A Wizard Rider; A Knight of Blood (and Love)

So today I was able to watch a few episodes of stuff after a long day of photo shooting.

I got to watch the first two episodes of Kamen Rider Wizard. Interesting that it starts with him and all his powers already, consider the previous two have them getting their powers out of the blue. Also... all that engrish is both fun a tiny bit painful to hear. I especially like the "Shabadobee, Henshin!" jingle. The "Hi hi. hi hi hi" (FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE) part is also nice. Good to see two recurring characters who may or may not get magic later on? Especially potent would be that guy who dreams of magic since his childhood. And perhaps the police lady.
Also... "Connect... Please" "Please" "Please"

Today I also watched episode 10 of SAO. Unexpected turn of events led to an expected outcome. I wonder what ability that Knight of Blood captain has. It had plenty of fighting. Plenty of loving. Forgive the bad pun in post title.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Kosmos, Cosmos Vocal Only

Not a complete acapella, but it is very good. That guitar, the echo, the great techno bit. And of course Yurishi's Yukiho voice. Her Kosmos, Cosmos is still the greatest. Her voice is this is hard for me to describe, but it is beautiful.

Monday 10 September 2012

Rainbow Button - Namassuka SPECIAL 02

Or "Nanairo Botan" as most people know it.

The video above is just a medley, but it gives you a taste of the great things in this album.

So I had the chance to listen to the whole Namassuka SPECIAL 02 and I got to say that it sounded spectacular. "Nanairo Botan" especially. Hearing some old and not so old anime songs in the mix were good. Like "Itazura na Kiss" covered by Ami, which was an ending theme of Inuyasha. "Reflectia" by Azusa from True Tears. And "Houki Gumo" by Iori, an song used in Yakitate Japan!

The rest of the cover songs include "Koi to Machine Gun" by Iori, "Aruite Kaerou" by Ami, and "U Fu Fu Fu" by Azusa.

The final original song is "Hatsukoi ~Nishou Kokuhaku no Hanabi~", which really surprised me on how great is was.

Overall this album was much stronger than the first Namassuka SPECIAL. I wonder how the next one will sound, considering Producer-san is actually singing in it. And of course we can't forget the Ritsuko-Yayoi pair singing "AI Like Hamburger".

Sunday 9 September 2012


"I'm not an idiot k?" | Source

It's here.

It's.... 09/09/2012... Cirno Day 2012!

Here's some pictures from various Cirno Days.

Nine 9s. In 2012 | Source

All images are credited to the various authors in Source links.

"... hmm? What do you mean there's no 89% post? It was never meant to exist in there first place! Who's the idiot now!"

Saturday 8 September 2012

Dame... Dame yo Kotori~! Birthday

Aka Happy Birthday to the delusional 2X year old iD:[OL] Kotori Otonashi!

It's actually on the 9th of September, but heck why not celebrate during Japan time?

Here's a new video that's also a blast to the past. How fitting of Kotori.

Friday 7 September 2012

Waka Mom and Little Miss Wakana

Despite the title of this post being a bit silly, this episode (Tari Tari 5) was mostly a very serious episode. Although it did start out with some silly antics of the Choir + Badminton club combo. Singing during a badminton tournement that is.

The serious parts revolve all around Wakana and her mom. Boy, was Wakana really grumpy when she was younger. She looked cute as a button when she was little though.

This episode was quite nice full of backstory and even Wakana's mom singing was great. It was also quite sad, but that is still good. It was especially good since I haven't watched an episode of Tari Tari for a while.

It looks like the next episode continues with the Wakana Mom drama. I wonder how the Choir club will help out. Maybe a little music perhaps?

Also, I am way behind in this series, but I hope I can catch up before my classes get too crazy.

Thursday 6 September 2012

Makoto Makoto Makoto Makoto Makoto Makoto Makoto Makoto-chan Nariyo~

"on and on" I can't believe I missed this during her birthday. Anyways, here's some endlessly looping Makoto Makoto Makoto Makoto Makoto Makoto Makoto Makoto-chan Nariyo~

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Tuesday 4 September 2012

First Day of Fall 2012; Idolm@ster 26

Woo, it's back to school time.

And it was actually not too bad since the "hard" course seemed like a lot of fun. The lecture after that one though... not so great.

Then I read the project outline. Walls of text indeed. But at least it looks pretty.

Also, finally got a chance to watch Idolm@ster 26 subbed. It was a lot of fun, but of course it was much better when I watched it the first time. The Karaoke scenes were funny and hearing Mecha-Gohan again is great. Ritsuko having the hiccups was really cute. Namassuka Sunday! is fun as well with the usual Hibiki challenge plus the strange AmiMami "comedy" duo routine. And of course the Yakuzam@ster segment is always impressive. As well as the other "Tonari ni..." movie with Azusa, being a pretty obvious reference to a certain MAD series on niconico. The segment with Iori and Yayoi was too short for my taste, but it was of course very cute. The Jupiter segment after the Tonari ni movie was great too, as we got to see more interactions between the two groups. All in all it made me feel great even if it was a bit bittersweet especially with the ALLST@RS version of "my song" being the ED. I will continue to miss the series, but here's hoping the three OVAs coming up will quench the Idolm@ster anime thirst.

And another small (but big) note... I had a chance to watch the first episode Manabi Straight. In glorious 4:3 HD. From an unnamed source that I will not disclose. It was even better than I remembered it in some aspects like the songs being used and the video quality of course. I hope to rewatch the whole series in glorious HD soon.

Monday 3 September 2012

Summer Break 2012 Ends

It went faster than I expected. Time for school. The suffering and glory begins again.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Saturday 1 September 2012

Beating Blue Baphomet

Where's his scythe?

Just finished Sword Art Online 9. Wow Blue Baphomet "The Gleam Eyes" is kind of a crazy boss huh? But the way Kirito fought it was even crazier. This episode was great, the fighting, the random bits of Asuna and Kirito, and of course the cliffhanger. It's also nice to see Klein and Liz again!

And this time I'm up to date very early. That probably isn't going to be the case in the next following months though...