
Tuesday 4 September 2012

First Day of Fall 2012; Idolm@ster 26

Woo, it's back to school time.

And it was actually not too bad since the "hard" course seemed like a lot of fun. The lecture after that one though... not so great.

Then I read the project outline. Walls of text indeed. But at least it looks pretty.

Also, finally got a chance to watch Idolm@ster 26 subbed. It was a lot of fun, but of course it was much better when I watched it the first time. The Karaoke scenes were funny and hearing Mecha-Gohan again is great. Ritsuko having the hiccups was really cute. Namassuka Sunday! is fun as well with the usual Hibiki challenge plus the strange AmiMami "comedy" duo routine. And of course the Yakuzam@ster segment is always impressive. As well as the other "Tonari ni..." movie with Azusa, being a pretty obvious reference to a certain MAD series on niconico. The segment with Iori and Yayoi was too short for my taste, but it was of course very cute. The Jupiter segment after the Tonari ni movie was great too, as we got to see more interactions between the two groups. All in all it made me feel great even if it was a bit bittersweet especially with the ALLST@RS version of "my song" being the ED. I will continue to miss the series, but here's hoping the three OVAs coming up will quench the Idolm@ster anime thirst.

And another small (but big) note... I had a chance to watch the first episode Manabi Straight. In glorious 4:3 HD. From an unnamed source that I will not disclose. It was even better than I remembered it in some aspects like the songs being used and the video quality of course. I hope to rewatch the whole series in glorious HD soon.

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