
Wednesday 7 November 2012

Gunsligner Girl 1-5 Little Girls, Big Guns

I got a chance to watch the first bit of this somewhat old series by borrowing the DVDs from the library. It did not disappoint.

First off, I'd like to say that I did attempt to watch this maybe 1 or 2 years ago. At first it was with my brother and I guess it didn't seem suit our tastes at the time. Even now, my brother would still be apprehensive to watch this.

So I randomly picked this out of the library selves, tucked away in the Japanese multilingual section, if only to make it more obscure or due to lack of proper organization of anime.

Anyways, it's spoiler/summary/thoughts time.

These first few episodes serve as introductions to the girls who are each a so-called "Gunslinger Girl". They are girls who are saved by a great government agency - on paper. In reality they serve as assassins with biologically enhanced bodies and conditioned minds. They are watched over and used by handlers, who range from being like brothers or fathers to being pure handlers who seem them as nothing but tools.

The first episode begins with Henrietta. We see her breakdown in a way, due to her strong attachment to her handler Giuse (or Jose in other releases). At first a seemingly emotionless and quiet child. Then she brings down a rain of bullets. Then she bursts out into tears. A range of emotion and events brings this episode to a close. Great impact, though I would say the good parts start in the later episodes, as you get closer and closer to each girl.

Next up is more Henrietta. A simple yet efficient recap of the previous episode, yet focusing more on Henrietta's view. Now we see her more fully. If you have doubts about the previous episode, at least watch this one.

Then it's Rico. The most conditioned of the bunch. Her handler just treats her as a tool and nothing more. It's cute yet sad all at the same time.

Afterwards it's Triela. The most fiesty of the girls, and seemingly a sort of mentor as well. She acts independently, which also means she still struggles with the relationship she has with her handler. What is he to her? What is she to him?

Then it's Claes. Her story is also interesting. The man who gets recruited starts with doubts and ends with it too. But he has heart in himself too. I guess he struggled with the whole human and tool divide as well. Memories gained, yet memories forgotten. Still there are some that cannot be removed.

That brings to a close this somewhat long post about this series that piqued my interest again after all these years. Who knows when I'll get a chance to watch the next bits.

(post title is ripped straight out of the Gunslinger Girls volume 1 DVD: "Ragazzine Piccole, Armi Grandi" aka "Little Girls, Big Guns")

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