
Monday 19 November 2012

Post-Seattle Spatial Design - Week 2 Complete

Today we had our first presentation since the Design Charette in Seattle.

It was with the group we formed before Seattle, so the group in Seattle was split in half once again. Although we still don't have a dedicated graphic designer, we have an awesome team. Our writer is amazing, as well as our general do-everything guy. Then there's the infographic crew, and the guy who does random jobs. Then there's me, who does random jobs and attempts to pitch in with random ideas. Sometimes I feel like I just cause more work for them, but at least my presence seems to make people work.

As for the presentation content itself, we presented our very changed concept of "Wedges creating a Common Ground", that our writer, with feedback from the instructor, came up with. I believe he liked it a lot because he could clearly see it in almost every image we put up. And boy did he like that sketch that our writer did. The team was already amazed when we first saw it, so having the instructor like it was great.

Next week is interior design and more modelling. The following is renders galore. I hope I can survive.

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