
Friday 2 November 2012

Little Busters 4 : Kud + Komari; Shiny Festa Play

I watched episode 4 of Little Busters today! Greatly looked forward to seeing Kud for the first time in the anime. Although her appearance was brief, it was absolutely wonderful especially her English.

And then we got more Komari! Komari with her sunny disposition along with the rest of the Little Busters crew help out with a retirement home. Fun times ensue, as well as a bit of drama to add to the mix. What's up with that book and dream Komari has? Who is this "Takuya"? I guess we'll find out next episode.


Also, I got a chance to play a bit of Shiny Festa today. And by a bit, I mean maybe 2 hours of random on-off playing. I skipped out on the special OVAs packed in because I want to watch them subbed first, but the gameplay is actually a bit fun. It's mostly the songs and accompanying music videos though. Especially looked forward to "Music" and the three other videos with new animation.

I only played a bit of Funky Note (with Ami, Mami, Hibiki, Yayoi, and Iori) as well as a tiny bit of Groovy Tune (with Makoto, Yukiho, Miki, and Takane). For the ones I played through, Music was quite fun as well as Honey Heartbeat and Next Life. I've yet to play a lot of the rest though, but will surely try it out when I get back from this weekend field trip.

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