
Wednesday 12 December 2012

Early Christmas Party and Birthdays

Today is a break from the 2 Momoiro Clover posts I made.

Instead it's just about a fun time with my friends in this really weird triple birthday party with an added Christmas secret present exchange thing.

Fun times to be had indeed as the presents given were mostly great and clever. What I got was really good as it included some awesome crafts work that miniaturized the laptop I use at school and all the "accessories" that come with it like a bag (from a certain big box store!) and wired mouse. All this in the strangest packaging I've seen. Also came with a Swiss army knife of sorts.

Another thing was this other present which included a manga about a salary man turned manga artist plus a pillow from a certain popular anime that currently has movie showings all around the States (but not Canada... yet).

Fun times indeed. Thanks to all of them.

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