
Thursday 20 December 2012

Sweeping up Old Toys

So today I had the pleasure of cleaning up some old toys my brother and I had.

Or to be more precise, I helped to keep some of this old junk because of my natural hording abilities.

It's still an ongoing process for sure, but going through all these toys has been fun as well. Seeing them lets me remember all these old memories of playing with them. Some include stuff like real and fake Transformers or random toys of old cartoons. A majority also include a lot of cars and trucks from all those big companies.

One of the things we are planning on throwing away is an old broken Transformer-esque police truck. This truck has been with us for many years, but it's been in pretty bad shape after various incidents. Alas, we shall see it go soon, but I will still have fond memories of it. And a few pictures to help jog our memories later in the future.

We'll probably continue to clean up all these toys in the following days.

In the meantime, I'm waiting patiently for the end of the world. See you!

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