
Thursday 27 December 2012

Noodles and Karaoke

Today was a fun day of noodling eating and karaoke!

First, I met up with some old friends, of which I haven't seen many of them for almost 2 years! Then we ate noodles and chatted about random stuff.

Then we had some karaoke fun. This was probably the second time I've been to these karaoke places since I've always thought it was expensive, and the lack of many Japanese songs was quite bad. However, this place changed my mind since it was only mildly expensive (15 for 2 hours?) and the song selection, including the Japanese songs, was quite big. However, it was a pain to find the songs I wanted since the paper catalogue did not correlate well with the machine. Also, some songs was listed under a silly "Japanese Singer" or "English Singer" artist name that blankets way too many songs to efficiently search. I did spend a lot of time looking for songs. Sadly, with only 2 hours we didn't get to do at least 15 songs.

However, the fun was there as my friends were actually a bit crazy in terms of singing. There were almost constantly at least 2 people singing no matter what the song. And some screaming and yelling. And some awkward songs that no one can sing due to lack of furigana etc.

Next time I'll be sure to find those Momoiro Clover and Idolm@ster songs. Perhaps I'll even throw in a silly AKB48 song just for fun.

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