
Wednesday 6 March 2013

A Megane Graduation

Even though I haven't had a chance to watch it yet, Nakayan's (Sayaka Nakaya) Graduation concert was held today. I've read some articles and seen images floating around and it seemed nice. And it indeed got emotional at the end. Oh Nakayan, I hope you become a top voice actress one day!

As for other less "bittersweet" things that I did today... I didn't really do much other than go on more trips down the AKB48 video tube. Learning about a specific soft-voiced SKE48 member, and seeing more of the AKB0048 main star, made me more hooked into this whole franchise. Although I do admit that it's really crazy and money oriented, the appeal comes down to the individual members for me, instead of the whole being. Especially since most of the single songs aren't really that appealing to begin with.

Oh and it's "megane" because Nakayan used to be one of the few that wore glasses on stage.

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