
Thursday 21 March 2013

An Intermediate Story (Pre-movie Fun)

This post is going to be about what happened before I got to watch the 2nd movie screening yesterday.

There was a costume contest with a bunch of random assorted cosplays that thankfully included quite a bit of the series' characters. These included one Male!Madoka and normal Madoka, plus a cute epilogue Homura. There was even a guy "cosplaying" with one of those Aniplex Kyubey masks, who said he was cosplaying as "Kyubey's Head". But the cake was the one who cosplayed as Male!Mami, affectionately called Manmi by the audience. Then there were a bunch of random characters, that I didn't quite catch. Manmi won by a landslide, so he got tickets to the local conventions happening in the summer.

Afterwards was a pretty awkward "Transformation Contest", with random normal people in the crowd doing their own transformation sequences. Let's just say that the guy who won put his hair to great use. He did some spinning, then "transformed" his long hair into twintails. Excellent reaction from the crowd followed.

But what really amazed the audience was something completely unexpected. When the movie was set to start, the projection was a bit funny. Everything was pixelated!

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