
Friday 1 March 2013

Nostalgia AKB Trip through Videos

Today was a long day of watching old PVs for AKB48, with a whole bunch that were not on the AKB48 official Youtube channel.

I started with "Sakura no Hanabiratachi", then "Aitakatta", which were the most nostalgia inducing. I remember listening to these years ago, before AKB48 got huge. "Aitakatta" was the most catchy tune back then and it still is now. I remember just downloading these two songs, and never coming back to check out the rest of their releases for the rest of these years. Little did I know that this niche group filled to the brim with girls would end up being best-selling juggernauts of the Japanese music industry.

"Sakura no Hanabiratachi" Original

"Aitakatta" English subbed. Oh the nostalgia.

Then I went through a whole bunch of other videos until I got a bit sick of simply watching PVs for these songs that didn't really catch my attention. It was a good chance to recognize some of the idols though, since there were a lot more solo parts back then. I did find the "edgy" songs a bit interesting, especially since the PVs are a far cry of their current PVs and songs. I wonder if they'll ever have a chance to tackle these themes again.

Tons more videos to watch, but so little time. I ought to finish those posts about Momoiro Clover too.

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