
Tuesday 19 March 2013

Why Can't I watch Ebichu MVs?

Also known as "Why are there regions locks for music?"

Seriously, why does DefStar and/or Sony Music of Japan decide to block their Youtube videos? I mean, sure there's some legal lining involved somewhere, but I still have to question their decisions.

This all came about when I was going through Ebichu's (aka Shiritsu Ebisu Chuugaku) music videos on the Stardust Digital Youtube page.

Of course I was partially interested in this group not only because of them being "little sisters" of Momoiro Clover. Not even because of Hyadain's crazy compositions for them. But partially because these girl's voices and randomness in their videos really hits me somehow. I don't know why, perhaps it's the sudden low voices of some of the girls. Or perhaps it's the screechy annoying voice of that one girl (not likely). Or maybe it's just that cute girl with the braces who looks and sounds slightly out there, but is rather fun to watch and hear. I just don't no.

Anyways back to the rant about region locking. I found out that they were actually signed to DefStar Records, so that was the reason why there were no more new music videos on Stardust's page. So I sought them out, going through Wikipedia of all places. Although not the best source for new info, I found out that Wikipedia usually had links to the music videos of various group's singles. Of course, this usually only happened if the group's song was popular enough to have its own wiki page.

I sought it out and bam, I was hit with the old "The uploader has not made this video available in your country".


Then I decided to try other measures to try to watch it, but I just couldn't do it. How sad, even trying to watch it through official channels is too painful. I assume this a Sony thing, but who knows it could just be DefStar. If I cared enough I'd do some research into the politics of this silly thing, which I know probably affects other non-North American countries more, but I just don't feel up to it right now. I just wanted to complain, cause it's such a shame that these great videos aren't published for one reason or another.

I know I might not have been as eager to try out AKB48 if it wasn't for the huge catalogue of PV/MVs on their Youtube channel. I remember when I went back to find Aitakatta, there wasn't any official video page. Lo and behold, it was DefStar who held them before. Of course they launched into super fame with their signing of King Records now, and maybe the whole open to all Youtube thing helped a bit.

And that's it. If anyone (hello there sole reader) would like to enlighten me about this situation, that would be great. Either way, I'm still going through other channels to get more enlightenment about Ebichu and other videos that don't make it across the oceans.

(Also, the reason for these super long posts is partially due to the writing style influence of a certain other blog that I read recently. Who knew that writing long rant-esque posts could be so therapeutic?)

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