
Sunday 28 April 2013

AKB's 2013 Budokan Live

Almost 3 hours of staying up too late for the Budokan concert streamed on Youtube Music Week. Please kindly disregard any errors from this old and long post. This was largely compiled live, with a bit of resources to back up and correct any points I missed. (stuff in brackets are comments/corrections after the fact)

Also, as you may have noticed it is quite informal and leaves out a lot of details/events that you can find everywhere else.

AKB48 Budokan/Youtube 2013

Jane Doe start (Interesting...)

Skirt Hirari by HKT or NMB? (nope not even close)

Robo dancing with Mayuyu and Rena + two others (Tashima Meru, Tomonaga Mio)

Sayanee center w/ Takamina + Yuuko singing "Cross". (Wonderful.)

Kojiharu in lingerie... (singing that Garter song.)

JKT48 River (Quite a surprising to see them here, but they were quite good.)

Yukirin Flying Get Center. (Nice!)

Sayaka Center w/ Sae(!) and Mariko and Maria and... Ami.

Moeno graduating (A sad day indeed...)

MC session with Sasshi (teary over Moeno), Sayanee, Rema and Yukirin. Most likely talking about cutest members of HKT48. (hauu I wanna take you home~)

(Then starts the "battles")

JKT vs HKT .

Akarin being flexible.

AKB... 48!! (by all of the 48 family)
And Mayuyu being a DJ.

Then that charity song for the Earthquake relief.


Starting off with two new songs and Sayonara Crawl.

Then a huge Shoujotachi + First Rabbit for everyone. Chaotic fun ensues.

Announcement (and Shuffles) Time

5 domes tour was announced.

Hirari promoted to Team K! Yes, very good for her!

Kirarie, Yuihan and co are back to AKB with their concurrent roles canceled... (except for the Double Matsui pair). SKE48 was confused and quite pissed at Kitarie's transfer, especially with the error in announcments too.

Sae is back from SDN... however she's not looking very pleased.

Sasshi is now Double HKT48 Team Manger. I'm not sure what to feel.

In the end it was a great concert with some awesome announcements, but also a huge amount of sad and confusing announcements.

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