
Wednesday 24 April 2013

Battle Games and Nerf Battle

I had some good fun playing some video games with some buddies today. Being beaten by casual AI's in NHL has never been so fun. With 6 players too.

Plus we played some of that PlayStation Super Smash clone. Strange and somehow not as satisfying. The instakill supers are quite unbalanced, as well as some of the characters. Though I guess that's the same problem across all fighting games.

Afterwards, we had a bit of FPS play with some sniper only head shot only matches. The knife is quite cheap. I also pulled out a sub machine gun in the end for fun.

Then comes the best part of the day (other than the pizza intermission).

We had some impromptu indoor nerf battles involving rifles, pistols, a rocket launcher and even a machine gun. It was indeed quite fun, especially since it was quite unexpected. One friend brought his arms while the other had them all in his home armory (bro's room).

Indeed I enjoyed it, though I was quite tired in the end.

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