
Thursday 11 April 2013

Finals and the Semi-Ironic Gift

Today was the day I finished the final exam for my cognitive science course. I was quite unprepared, as I had not read up on the topics for a while as I had all my attention on projects and other stuff. Still it was quite an informative class, though a bit weakly taught in my opinion. At least the discussions were enticing at times.

And I also sacrificed a bit of study time to hand over a silly little game gift to an instructor that is leaving soon. As a memento of that time where he played a game during our final, winning the high score, and showing off his retro age. We were the guinea pigs, as the first takers of that class, and he was also developing it at the time. Too bad it was still quite rough, as the concepts were good and ideas would have helped many of the non-programmers in this program. Though some dislike him or his teaching, I still find him to be a cool guy. Who else would be complaining about not being able to play Borderlands 2 because he had to mark grades?

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