
Sunday 12 August 2012

2012 London Olympics Ends!

These Olympics sure seemed to go by very fast.

I watched the Closing Ceremony live and it was quite nice, though I didn't really know some of the British music that was played/sung. I liked how there's a backing choir and orchestra for the most part. Seeing the Spice Girls along with some others was a nice nostalgia hit.

Overall, from what I watched of the Olympics, it was quite nice. Although my country didn't quite get as much medals as we'd hoped, the medals we did have were so sweet. The record-breaking moments, the greats like Bolt and Phelps, and the full feeling of seeing sport done in an incredible fashion, are amazing moments that I do not want to forget. I'm looking forward to seeing the next Winter Olympics in 2014, as well as the later to come 2016 Summer Olympics in Brazil. In the more near future however, I'm looking forward to seeing the 2012 Paralympic games. London 2012, you were great.

And on another non-olympic note, I recently watched the masked dark hero movie. It was quite nice.

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