
Thursday 16 August 2012

The Mystery in a Virtual World Ends

This episode of Sword Art Online wraps up that little murder mystery side-story.

The concept for the "murder" or in-town PK was actually something that's actually plausible. It seemed ok to me logically, though the fact that Kirito could figure it out so quickly kind of irked me. What was even more disappointing is the logic being the actual murderer's reason for killing Griselda. Absolutely stupid, and even more so when Asuna gave that little "You treated her like a possession" speech. But whatever, that side-story's done, and up next is another side-story. More Asuna and Kirito moments I presume.

As an aside, my brother's been watching tons of One Piece lately. Surprisingly enjoyable to watch, though the "distraction" makes time fly.

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