
Monday 13 August 2012

God-slayer and Athena the Death God

I just finished Campione 2 to 5 and I got to say that it had some surprising bits that kept me interested, although the general feel of the storyline doesn't seem to interest me that much at the moment.

The most interesting bit is finding out about Athena's backstory. At first I had an "I knew it!" moment when she revealed herself. The young appearance threw me off, but the owls were a pretty good indicator. I was shocked to see that Athena was actually some god of death with dark powers and the also snake powers. The snake powers sort of make sense since she have a gorgon head as a shield, but the dark powers were completely out of nowhere. This was really confusing since I've actually been reading some Greek myth stories recently and that part is not part of her background. Then the reveal happened when Godou was fighting her in his "Unlimited Golden Blade Works" place. Turns out her history was altered by Zeus, and there was some war between her and the male gods. All because of her power. Very interesting indeed. Too bad she gets defeated pretty easily, even as one of the greats.

And on to the show now. Erica is a surprisingly calculating schemer and she does not seem like her portrayal in the first episode at all. Now her interactions with Godou are pretty much as a constant seducer, while being completely honest with it. I don't know how to take this, but it is quite amusing to watch sometimes.

As for Yuri, she seems to be a fun character. Not quite as cliche with just a touch of shyness and a lot of awkwardness. I look forward to seeing her some more, as she seems to retain her character while being a part of Godou's inevitable harem.

Next episode feature some old wolf-guy and harem member #3.

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