
Wednesday 23 January 2013

Bejeweled Dragons

So today I got a chance to try out this little game...

Or should I say big? (at least in Japan and Korea)

It's "Puzzle & Dragons" by GungHo, who were the Japanese company hosting the Ragnarok Online Japan servers.

Not much to say about it yet, other than the fact that combine monster training plus Bejeweled-esque puzzles is pretty darn engrossing. Getting to do crazy moves like moving the jewel things around was kind of a shock. Now if only this had a story... I'd have been hooked earlier.

I've decided to reroll to get one of those uber monsters, but who knows maybe I'll play super casually on my bro's phone or something.

Also, I was thinking of trying out those English Mobage games, but due to how much money and life energy it takes to "get good", it would probably be a good idea for me to stay away. I've already gone quite far away from Cinderella Girls, as the current model almost unplayable for a casual unverified like me. I'll just keep track of the new girls coming in instead.

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