
Tuesday 22 January 2013

Resetting the Wifi-deprived Phone

(This was posted yesterday... but due to certain lunar magics, it has been displaced one day. All events correspond to the 21st of January.)

Today I had the sad privilege of factory resetting my Razr phone. Why? Because of all the wifi problems I've been having with this thing at school. At first I was just a little bit annoyed, but now it's just plain unusable except to read quick emails and maybe attempt to chat online.

However everything should have been properly backed up. I'd hope to have more time to prep, but alas it had to be done.

There goes all my VPets. Good bye Metal Greymon. Good bye Metal Tyrannomon. I won't be missing Veggiemon or Sukamon though... that's cause they were already digitized at the ripe age of 6 years, while the  two Ultimates were already 9 years and still kicking. If they had been backup'd to the cloud then I'd be happy. Else, I just start again at the egg stage.

And sadly, the wifi still doesn't work. Too bad. Now to hand it over to the big company for a repair. Hopefully it comes back fresh and functional.

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