
Sunday 6 January 2013

Karaoke and Ear Wax

So today was another fun day of Android app finding.

The theme? Lyrics and music.

The result? After sifting through many (about 6) apps, I came across this Chinese one called "TTPod". How did I find it? Simply clicking on "People also viewed" apps starting from the great musixmatch to the Chinese Kugou, then stumbling across this.

At first I was a bit turned off due to the shockingly low (but not really) rating of 4 stars compared to the constant 4.5s of all the other similar music lyrics apps. The completely Chinese screenshots were also a bit of a bother. But then I saw about 2 recommendations on a certain forum for this app so I was curious.

What I came to find was a wonderous app filled with almost all the things I was looking. And then some.

TTPod has quite an extensive lyrics database that is karaoke-esque, in that it follows the song timing. You can even adjust the timing yourself if you feel that it is slightly off. Another neat thing is that you can specifically search for the lyrics for a song in case it wasn't properly tagged (such as romanized Japanese songs). If it's there, it'll show up and be connected to that song. Quite neat.

Another feature that I recently came across was the extensive online steaming database that they have. Just pop in some artist or song names and out come the song(s). Then you can stream them like normal songs and they'll also have lyrics if there are any to begin with.

Also, it has an equalizer plus some silly ambient effects like "theatre" or "concert". It even has a digitizer! Make all those songs robotic!

There's probably plenty of features it's still missing like playlist management and proper album art, but so far it has the most extensive lyrics database (at least for Japanese), and quite a few other features. Perhaps I'll play around with the themes later.

Also, the "ear wax" in the post title is in reference to the annoying amounts of ear wax I've been having problems with. Such a pain.

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