
Friday 25 January 2013

Game Dev... lite : Building my (fake) Company

So I tried out this game that I've known about for almost a year already. Somehow the timing just fits, since the Global Game Jam starts today. Too bad I forgot to register for it... I'll be cheering on all the game devs everywhere though!

Anyways, the game is "Game Dev Story" by the ever so good Kairosoft. I'm sure there's a PC version somewhere, but from what I can remember, it was all in Japanese. It'd be fine if it was a simple game... too bad it's actually quite a bit more complex than that. Kind of like Sim City, except you're building games instead of cities. There's so much stuff to think about like hiring and training your employees, keeping track of your finances, choosing the right path for your games, balancing contract work with development, advertising, etc etc. Tons of stuff, so much so that I was in the red near the end of the 1st year except I got bailed out by extra funds.

I only played till the end of the 4th year cause I was playing the lite version, but I'm definitely going to pick up the full version sometime.

Now if only I could get my own game development going... Lack of good ideas and technical skills have been haunting me, but I guess I got to start somewhere.

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